Attorney, Analyst, Advocate, Author

Heron has volunteered for over five years supporting and advocating for bisexual and pansexual communities. Heron's advocacy has brought them to the White House and into the homes of powerful bisexual advocates across the country.
Heron's frequent presentation topics include: disparities facing bisexual and pansexual people, how to remedy those disparities through public policy advocacy, and what LGBT organizations and allies can do to better support bisexual and pansexual people.
Heron is also the author of an important series of reports on bisexuality from the Movement Advancement Project, available here.
Selected Presentations
From the White House to the City Hall: Local, State, and Federal Policy Advocacy for Bisexual and Pansexual Communities, Northeast Conference on Public Administration, November 2019.
Moderator, BiLaw Caucus, Lavender Law, August 2019.
Stuff Mom Never Told You Podcast, Bisexuality Part 1 and Part 2, July 2019.
Bisexuality and Homelessness, All-day Training at True Colors United, New York, New York, April 13, 2019.
The Queering of a Nation: From the White House to City Hall: Local, State and Federal Policy Advocacy for Bisexual and Pansexual Communities, American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference, Washington DC, March 12, 2019.
Panel on Violence facing Bisexual+ People at the Bisexual+ Day-Long Institute, Creating Change, Detroit, January 23-27, 2019
Not so Straightforward: Advocating Bi Ourselves through Bisexuality+ and Mental Health, Creating Change, Detroit, January 23-27, 2019
Stand Bi+ Us: How to support bisexual+ people and our communities・IvyQ Conference, Brown University 2018
It Ain’t No Lie, Bi Bi Bi: Creating Targeted Programs and Services for Bi+ Youth・2018 True Colors Impact Summit, True Colors Fund
Engaging the Community in SGM-Related Research Activities・Sexual & Gender Minorities Regional Workshop, National Institutes of Health, Fenway Institute 2018
Keynote Speaker・Bisexual Issues Law & Policy Meeting, Lambda Legal.
Bisexuality・Presentation at Equality California's 2018 Fair Share for Equality Conference [Watch the video]
All Bi Ourselves: Improving HIV Prevention, Treatment, and Care for Bisexual Communities・Workshop at Creating Change 2018
Invisible Majority: The Disparities Facing Bisexual People and How to Remedy Them・Workshop at Creating Change 2018
Seriously, You Should Include Us: Bisexual+ Advocacy for LGBT Organizations・Workshop at Creating Change 2018
Competently Serving Bisexual Clients in Health Care Settings・Presentation at Fenway Women's Health 2017
Addressing Disparities in the Bisexual Community・Panel at Funding Forward 2017
Bisexuals at the White House: Federal to Local Policy Advocacy・Presentation at Opportunity Conference 2017
Invisible Majority: Disparities Facing the Bisexual Community and How to Remedy Them・Workshop at Creating Change 2017
Honoring and Recognizing the Unique Contributions and Experiences of the American Bisexual Community・Panel at White House 2016
BiLaws: Regulatory Advocacy for Disparities Facing Bisexual People・Workshop at Lavender Law 2016
Bisexuals at the White House: Federal to Local Public Policy Advocacy・Workshop at Creating Change 2016
B: The Forgotten Letter in LGBT – Not Anymore・ Panel at Lavender Law 2015
Bi-Specific Discrimination and Needs・Presentation at the Ohio Bar Association LGBT Diversity and Inclusion Conference 2015
Bi the Agenga: Shaping Bi-inclusive Advocacy・Workshop at Creating Change 2015
Bisexuality in the Media・Panel Discussion for the LA chapter of the Association for LGBTQ Journalists
Heron speaks at legal, academic, professional, medical, and community conferences and other events all over the United States.
If you would like to bring Heron to speak at your event, click CONTACT or send an email to
UPCOMING Appearances
Civil Liberties and Public Policy Conference at Hampshire University.
Bend The Arc National Conference.
Center for Right Wing Studies Conference at Berkeley University.
Selected Presentations
LISTEN NOW: The ‘radical feminists’ working against trans rights, Washington Post PostReports Podcast, February 2020.
Opposition 101 Training, Creating Change, Dallas, January 2020.
Feminist Disruption Training, Creating Change, Dallas, January 2020.
Institute on International LGBTQ Solidarity, Creating Change, Dallas, January 2020.
Solidarity Against Hate: Straight Pride, Boston DSA, September 18, 2019.
Transgender Rights and Political Belonging: Christian Right Definitions of the Moral Community, Inaugural Conference on Right-Wing Studies, Berkeley University, April 25, 2019.
WATCH VIDEO: Feminist Anti-Trans Activists and the Christian Right, American Atheists #AACon2019, Cincinnati, April 20, 2019.
Countering Project Blitz--The State Legislative Agenda of the Christian Right, Civil Liberties and Public Policy Conference, Hampshire College, April 12-14, 2019.
The Christian Right's Successful Strategies to Stop Abortion Access, Attack LGBT Rights, & Codify Conservative Religious Values, Civil Liberties and Public Policy Conference, Hampshire College, April 12-14, 2019.
Monitoring Anti-LGBTQ Advocacy, Yale Law School, April 2, 2019.
Researching the Revolution, Feminist Majority Young Feminist Leadership Conference, March 11, 2019.
Panel on Opposition Research at the International Institute, Creating Change, Detroit, January 23-27, 2019.
Project Blitz, Creating Change, Detroit, January 23-27, 2019.
Being Your Authentic Self・First Annual Reach(OUT) LGBTQA+ Career Conference at Northeastern University School of Law 2018
Protecting Our Families: LGBTQ Artificial Reproductive Technology and Adoption Laws From State to State・Panel at Harvard Law School 2016
LGBTQ Ladies Doin’ It For Ourselves: Lessons Learned and Opportunities for Engaging LGBTQ Women・Panel at Netroots Nation 2015
Queer and Present Danger・Presentation at Fab Planet Summit 2014
All Children Matter: LGBT Families of Color・Workshop at NQAPIA National Conference 2012
Creating Diverse Coalitions Around Family Definition・Workshop at Creating Change 2011